This is the 'value' that gets written on the address. (More info into that further in the guide). The first number of the address is what matters when using ,extended, this determines where it will write to. While it can still be used now it's much easier to just use ,extended, as it works for each data size. In the past, PCSX2 used to make use of byte, short, and word for this. (This is where something gets stored by the game, like money values for example) These codes generally almost always start with either 0, 1, or 2. If you want to turn a code completely off, simply comment it out with // in front of the patch=1. Gametitle=Tales of The Abyss (U) Ġ: Writes value one time only at the start of a game. Usually it will look like something like this: Now let's take a look at the structure of a PNACH file. In the above line is the game Tales of The Abyss, when looking for the CRC of the game it is the one you want after the '0x' part. Each game has a unique CRC number which can be found in the Console Log window when you run the game. The filenames are always labeled via the CRC of a game.

Check the console window to see where PCSX2 is trying to load the file from if you're having issues finding the correct folder. Note: If you're using the portable versions then the folders will be located in the root PCSX2 directory. Widescreen patches are stored under a different folder called cheats_ws. When you're using regular cheats the PNACH file is saved in the cheats folder located under My Documents/PCSX2/ by default. Storing game patches (widescreen patches for example, or fixes for games) and cheats.

Storing ZeroGS configurations for a game.PNACH files are used for the following things: PS.The Load Button is kinda useless because I made the tool to execute what the button does automatically but I leave it just in case something goes wring and the tool didn't get the info.This is an updated version of the guide explaining how PNACH files work.

This is a simple tool to create pnach files more easily(especially for newbies).like get the codes someone posted here and create a pnach with them(no need to search for the crc and wonder how to create the file)ġ.You can place it wherever you want but you must start pcsx2 before running it(it get the needed info from the pcsx2.exe and the console)Ģ.If a game is already running,when you start the program,it will automatically fill the edit boxes with the game crc,game name and if cheats exist for the current game,they will also be loadedģ.When you start another game without closing the tool,the tool will automatically get the same things as above for the new gameĤ.If no cheats exist for the current game,it will just add "gamename=the game name" where the cheats editbox is so you can just add your cheatsĥ.When you save,the tool automatically save the file with the correct name and extension to the correct folder